Neoregelia 'Cane Fire'

Rated 5/5 based on 3 reviews.

A highly sought after medium sized bromeliad with glossy light green leaves with white margins and heavy pink speckles throughout. Does best in bright filtered light.

Typical height: 25cm
Climate: Prefers tropical or subtropical climates, or warm protected areas in Temperate climates.
Light conditions: Part shade
Growing conditions: Well drained soil


Quantity Stock image Options Price incl. GST
29  in stock
Neoregelia 'Cane Fire' - 180mm squat pot Neoregelia 'Cane Fire' - 180mm squat pot


This neo was hybridised in Australia by Shane Zaghini from (carolinae x concentrica) x 'Barbarian'



Neoregelia 'Cane Fire' - 180mm squat pot

Barcode 101547989485
Shipping Weight 2.0000kg

Great plant

By: on 22 March 2022
My family loved it!

Great plant

By: on 22 March 2022
My husband loved it!

Great plant

By: on 22 March 2022
My husband loved it!

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