Tropical foliage

Part shade

Bring the the deep tropical rainforest look to your backyard. Attach to any tree, log, palm or wall.

30 to 40cm
Best in dappled light

A low growing plant with a spreading growth habit. A fantastic ground cover which will gently spill out over garden edges or containers. Quite hardy once established. Will grown in areas where there is already a lot of roots from surrounding plants.

From $16.50

Part shade / shade

A striking aglaonema with deep green leaves sprinkled with creamy white and hints of pale pink on the undersides. A fantastic indoor pot plant or understory plant in warm protected gardens.

From $22.00

Part shade / shade

A wonderfully pinstriped aglaonema hybrid with bright pink stems. A fantastic indoor pot plant or understory plant in warm protected gardens. As and indoor plant, it will do well in poorly lit areas and is a great plant for removing toxins from the air.

Part shade / shade

A heavily speckled aglaonema hybrid with with bright pink midribs. A fantastic indoor pot plant or understory plant in warm protected gardens. As an indoor plant, it will do well in poorly lit areas and is a great plant for removing toxins from the air.

Part shade / shade

A popular aglaonema with varying amounts of pinky/red along the margins and veins. A fantastic indoor pot plant or understory plant in warm protected gardens.

From $16.50

Part shade / shade

An aglaonema hybrid with dark green leaves with silvery veins and and thin pink edges. A fantastic indoor pot plant or understory plant in warm protected gardens. As an indoor plant, it will do well in poorly lit areas.

From $14.50

50 to 80cm
Part shade / shade

A tight clumping elephant's ear with dark green leaves and light green silvery veins. Undersides of leaves and dark burgundy red and stems are pink. A truly beautiful pot plant or under-storey plant in shady yet brightly lit positions in the garden.

From $14.50

30 to 50cm
Part shade / shade

A tight clumping elephant's ear with dark green leaves and light green silvery veins. A truly beautiful pot plant or under-storey plant in shady yet brightly lit positions in the garden.

From $14.50

1 - 2m
Full sun/ part shade

A tight clumping impressive elephant's ear with ruffled green leaves and purple toned stems.

From $27.50

Part shade

A tight clumping impressive elephant's ear with prominent veins on heart shaped leaves. Also known as Buddha's hand, it is believed to bring good fortune.

From $16.50

1.5 to 2.5m
Part shade / shade

The Alocasia macrorrhizos is truly a must in any tropical garden. Its large upright leaves which can grow up to 1m in length provides excellent texture contrast in a tropical garden, whilst also offering good shade to smaller growing under-story plants.

50 to 80cm
Part shade / shade

A new collector variety of Alocasia with a highly variegated pattern. Excellent indoor plant or patio plant which is sure to be the envy of your plant collector friends!

50 to 80cm
Part shade / shade

A rare and highly sought after alocasia with strong variegations of dark green and white. A truly beautiful pot plant or under-storey plant in shady yet brightly lit positions in the garden.

From $16.50

1 to 2m
Part shade / shade

Prized for its characteristically streaked, zebra-like stems and distinct heart shape leaves, it enjoys warm temperatures and constant humidity; a weekly misting will help ensure it looks its best.

Min.temp: Tolerates frost
Grows best in near full sun / part shade.

An unusual and fascinating plant which will have one giant divided leaf atop a mottled fleshy stem. After a few years, it will produce large flowers that emerge from the ground. The name is due to the bulbils that develop on the leaves in Autumn.

up to 1m
Min.temp: Tolerates light frost
Part shade / shade

A wonderful, drought tolerant plant with long green leaves with slightly rippled or wavy edges. A fantastic pot plant or feature plant as well as an under-story filler in between larger trees and shrubs.

From $35.00

Up to 2m
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade / shade

One of the largest anthuriums. Glossy dark green which usually grow at least 1m long when mature. A great pot plant or under-story filler in tropical gardens.

60 to 80cm
Min.temp: Frost free
Full sun to part shade

A very attractive evergreen clumping plant with green needle-like leaves. Drought-resistant plant that needs little care and looks bright green all year long. Looks great in hanging baskets, containers or as a groundcover. Ideal for coastal gardens.

Part shade / Shade

An amazing feature plant with its dark green foliage and creamy flecked spots. It will do well in a shady spots in the garden or as a very hardy indoor plant. It has quite a big root system which is what makes it particularly tough and drought tolerant.

Part shade / Shade

A very hardy indoor plant or suitable for shady spots in the garden. It has quite a big root system which is what makes it particularly tough and drought tolerant. Competes well in areas with high competition, ie around palms and bamboo.

Part shade / Shade

A very hardy indoor plant or suitable for shady spots in the garden. It has quite a big root system which is what makes it particularly tough and drought tolerant. Competes well in areas with high competition, ie around palms and bamboo.

70 to 150cm
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade

A cane stemmed begonia with dark green leaves, marked with silver spots. Deep blood-red undersides of leaves. Light pink flowers. A great pot plant or understory filler.

From $16.50

60 - 100cm
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade

A showy cane-like begonia with long and narrow green leaves adorned with dense silvery-white polka dots. It has a nice full branching habit and pale pink flowers that hang in medium sized clusters. It makes a stunning indoor plant.

50 to 100cm
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade

A very impressive begonia native to New Guinea with vivid pink variegation. The colouration is naturally occuring. A great indoor plant for brightly lit areas, or as a bold understory filler in shady spots in the garden.

45 - 60cm
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade

A popular begonia grown mostly for its striking foliage and apple green leaves, most notable for its cross shaped, dark brown centres and rough texture. Great pot plant or understory filler.

Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade

A spectacular begonia with large, metallic silver leaves and soft copper red undersides. Can be used in hanging baskets, indoors or shaded areas of the garden.

40 to 60cm
Part shade / shade

A perennial tuber grown for its colourful foliage. The heart shaped leaves usually have a deep red heart with green extremities. The interested feature of this plant is the black stem. Will die down during the winter months.

40 to 60cm
Part shade / shade

A perennial tuber grown for its colourful foliage. Finely white speckled leaves with vibrant red veins. Will die down during the winter months.

Caladium bicolor 'Florida Calypso'
On Sale
40 to 60cm
Part shade / shade

A perennial tuber grown for its colourful foliage. The elongated heart shaped leaves feature striking fuchsia veins and as it matures it develops white irregular blotches on its leaves. Will die down during the winter months.

40 to 60cm
Part shade / shade

A perennial tuber grown for its colourful foliage. The heart shaped leaves have stunning red centres and green margins. Will die down during the winter months.

40 to 60cm
Part shade / shade

A perennial tuber grown for its colourful foliage. The heart shaped leaves have a combination green, pink, red and white flecks. Will die down during the winter months.

Caladium bicolor 'Florida Elise'
On Sale
40 to 60cm
Part shade / shade

A perennial tuber grown for its colourful foliage. The heart shaped leaves are a light green with heavy pink speckling. Will die down during the winter months.

40 to 60cm
Part shade / shade

A perennial tuber grown for its colourful foliage. The heart shaped leaves boast a deep green background and usually a combination of pink, red and white speckles. Will die down during the winter months.

40 to 60cm
Part shade / shade

A perennial tuber grown for its colourful foliage. The vividly coloured leaves feature a cream and green background with red and cranberry splashes with green edged leaves. Will die down during the winter months.

40 to 60cm
Part shade / shade

A perennial tuber grown for its colourful foliage. The heart shaped leaves usually have a combination green, pink, red and white. Will die down during the winter months.

40 to 60cm
Part shade / shade

A perennial tuber grown for its colourful foliage. A slightly larger leaved caladium that combines soft muted pink centres with mottled green margins. Will die down during the winter months.

40 to 60cm
Part shade / shade

A perennial tuber grown for its colourful foliage. The heart shaped leaves are a luminous white with green veins. As they mature they become whiter. Will die down during the winter months.

40 to 60cm
Part shade / shade

A perennial tuber grown for its colourful foliage. A white-speckled leaf with pale pink variegations. Will die down during the winter months.

2 to 2.5m
Part shade

An outstanding feature plant with its large lush green ribbed foliage and characteristic rattlesnake-like inflorescence. Great for large pots or understory plantings.

Part shade

An excellent choice to create a tropical jungle feel, featuring strikingly patterned leaves and unusual upright inflorescences shaped like a rattlesnake's rattle. Great for large pots or understory plantings.

From $14.50

40 to 60cm
Part shade / Shade

Large rounded leaves with predominant rib pattern. A wonderful calathea for pot plants or under-story plantings.

Part shade / Shade

A variation of the popular lancifolia - grows much the same, but with few 'spots' on the leaves. A great landscaping filler for shady spots in the garden, or ornamental pot plant.

2 to 3m
Part shade

Calathea lutea is one of the taller species of the genus Calathea. It makes a fantastic feature plant with its enormous white paddle shaped leaves. Requires tropical or warm subtropical conditions to grow well.

From $14.50

20 to 50cm
Part shade / Shade

The orbifolia has beautiful round silver-green leaves that boast dark distinctive green veins. It prefers bright indirect sunlight and is best to let its soil dry out between each water. It will benefit from occasional misting as Calathea like humidity.

Part shade / Shade

A truly vibrant indoor plant with deep dark purple leaves that feature vivid pink veining and purple undersides. To best keep the leaves vibrant grow in bright indirect sunlight.

40 to 50cm

A rare and particularly stunning foliage plant with broad green foliage and vibrant orange-hued petioles and leaf midribs. The bright orange colour remains year-round and really illuminates the center of each plant, and hence its name 'Fire Flash'.

60 to 80cm
Full sun to part shade

A perennial plant that produces large corms underground. The corms, leaves and stems can be eaten if cooked. ALL parts of the plants are toxic if eaten uncooked. An important staple food in many parts of the tropics.

1.5 to 3m
Full sun to part shade

One of the largest and most spectacular of the elephant's ears which can grow up to 3m tall with leaves over a meter long. Its pale green to bluish-green foliage and thick, succulent stems add a bold statement to gardens or landscapes.

From $9.50

Part shade

A cordyline with ruby red foliage, deepening to burgundy as it ages. A beautiful addition to any tropical garden.

Min.temp: 5°C
Full sun to part shade

A compact growing cordyline with silvery green and red leaves with distinct light yellow margins. The compact growth and crisp clean foliage makes it an ideal accent or border plant.

Part shade

A true collectors cordyline with it's broad green and cream leaves with a beautiful soft pink hue throughout. A perfect addition to brighten a dull area in your garden.

Min.temp: 5°C
Part shade

A wonderfully coloured green and white leaf with bold hot pink margins. Needs a little shade to look its best. Can be quite variable in the amount of variegations.

Min.temp: 5°C
Part shade

A sensational cordyline with with new growth emerging in a ripple of creamy whites and pinks. Grows best in filtered light to enhance the pink tones in the leaves.

1 to 2m
Part shade

A classic cordyline with rich dark-red leaves and bright pink stems. A wonderful splash of colour in tropical gardens.

Min.temp: 5°C
Part shade

A show stopper of a cordyline with the new growth emerging in an array of soft muted blushing pink leaves. Great for mass planting or pots.

Min.temp: 5°C
Part shade

An exceptionally beautiful cordyline. Streaked with creamy whites and hot pink lipstick edges. Can be quite variable in the amount of variegations.

up to 1m
Full sun to part shade

A compact growing cordyline with pinky, green and red leaves. The compact growth and crisp clean foliage makes it an ideal accent or border plant.

Full Sun to Part shade

A smaller compact growing cordyline that has broad variegated leaves of stunningly striped cream and chocolate with hints of green throughout its leaves. A beautiful feature to a tropical garden

1 to 1.5m
Part shade

An absolutely stunning purple cordyline. A beautiful addition to any tropical garden. Grows well indoors or on verandas. A great accent plant.

1.5 to 2.5m
Full sun to part shade

A popular cordyline that can tolerate full sun. With its decorative foliage featuring white bordered green leaves and bright pink stems, it will provide colour to your garden all year round. They respond well to pruning to maintain your desired height.

Part shade

A highly ornamental cordyline which is a standout in any tropical inspired garden. The new foliage growth is a vivid purple that fades to a deep green with purple edges as it matures. It will tolerate periods of sun but does best in filtered light.

1 to 2m
Part shade

A cordyline with bright pink emerging foliage, deepening to burgundy/purple as it ages. A real stand out in a tropical garden.

Min.temp: 5°C
Part shade

1 - 2m
Part shade

A stunning landscaping plant with all shades of pinks, mauves and splashes cream. Making it a beauitful cordyline for all year colour in your tropical garden.

1.5 to 2.5m
Full sun to part shade

A colourful and vibrant addition to any tropical garden. Fantastic splash of colour when planted in amongst palms and leafy tropicals. They respond well to pruning to maintain your desired height.

1.5 - 2.5m
Min.temp: 5°C
Full sun to part shade

A very old cultivar with gorgeous leaves in a kaleidoscope of green, orange, apricot and yellow. A beautiful addition to any tropical garden or add an exotic touch to your swimming pool area as it can tolerate full sun once established.

Part shade/ Filtered light

A striking smaller growing cordyline with electric pink flushes through the centre. An eye catching plant that will add some instant colour to a shader spot in the garden.

Full sun to part shade

Deep dark purple leaves with a contrasting cream edge make this cordyline a colourful and vibrant addition to any tropical garden.

Part shade

A true collectors cordyline, featuring splashes of vivid purple and variegated leaves this will certainly add some boldness to your tropical garden. Great for mass planting or pots.

Full sun to part shade

A colourful and vibrant addition to any tropical garden. Fantastic splash of colour when planted in amongst palms and leafy tropicals.

Min.temp: 5°C
Part shade

A broad leafed cordyline with boldly striped leaves with shades of green, gold, burgundy red and orange. A great landscaping plant or pot plant.

Full sun to part shade

A low growing, compact cordyline with strong variegation of pink, cream and silvery-green leaves. Grows best in full sun and performs well in the heat. Use in containers, for mass planting and in tropical themed landscapes.

Up to 60cm
Full sun to part shade

This smaller growing crinum lily is grown mostly for it's beautiful strappy burgundy foliage and hot pink flowers. An excellent plant for feature edging or mass planting.

From $11.00

Part shade / Shade

A low growing ground cover featuring silver foliage with thin green herring-bone pattern.

From $11.00

20cm to 30cm
Part shade / Shade

A beautiful low growing ground cover, ideal for shady spots. Quite large rectangular shaped leaves which are silver in colour with a bold dark green herring-bone pattern.

Up to 1m
Part shade / Shade

Ideal plant for indoors (especially bathrooms) or shady spots in the garden. Tall upright stems with tough leathery foliage. Prefers warm humid position free from draughts.

3 to 5m
Min.temp: Frost free
Full sun to part shade

A multi-stemmed shrub with whorls of strappy green and yellow variegated leaves. A very adaptable plant which can be grown in full sun outdoors, or in lower light levels indoors. A fantastic accent plant in tropical gardens. Hardy indoor pot plant.

3 to 5m
Min.temp: Frost free
Full sun to part shade

A multi-stemmed shrub with whorls of strappy lime green / dark green variegated leaves. A very adaptable plant which can be grown in full sun outdoors, or in lower light levels indoors. A fantastic accent plant in tropical gardens. Hardy indoor pot plant.

1 to 1.5m
Part shade / Shade

The variegated form of Lucky Bamboo features slender light green stems with striking cream-striped leaves. Easy to grow in water or soil, it thrives indoors, adding a touch of elegance and a bamboo-like charm to any space.

1 to 2m
Part shade / Shade

Although its name suggests otherwise, this plant is not related to bamboo. It is however an excellent choice for indoor spaces or verandas if you’re looking to capture a bamboo-like aesthetic. Its cut stems are easy to grow, thriving even in just water.

1 to 2m
Part shade / Shade

A slow-growing and hardy Dracaena with bamboo-like stems and glossy leaves with yellow spots which age to white as the plant matures. A really fantastic indoor or patio pot plant, or planted in the garden in a shady spot.

1 to 3m
Part shade / Shade

A slow-growing and hardy Dracaena with bamboo-like stems and glossy leaves that produce creamy yellow spots in the summer. A really fantastic indoor or patio pot plant, or planted in the garden in a shady spot.

Part shade

Devil's Ivy is a hardy, adaptable vine that will grow almost anywhere. Equally happy trailing down a bookcase or climbing a totem pole. The yellow variegations of the plant become more pronounced when exposed to greater amounts of indirect light.

50 to 70cm
Part shade / shade

A shade-loving lily with wonderfully rich green foliage which products sprays of white scented flowers throughout the warmer months of the year. An easy to grow plant both in the garden and in pots.

10 to 15cm
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade / Bright indirect light

This unique ground cover will look great when mass planted in a moist shaded spot in the garden. With its dark green leaves and reddish-pink veins and soft ruffled edges, it makes a great pot plant that adds colour to your home or office.

From $9.50

10 to 15cm
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade / Bright indirect light

This unique ground cover will look great when mass planted in a moist shaded spot in the garden. With its lime green leaves and bright pink veins, it makes a great pot plant that adds colour to your home or office.

From $12.50

10 to 15cm
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade / Bright indirect light

This unique ground cover will look great when mass planted in a moist shaded spot in the garden. With its delicate pink ruffle-edged leaves, it makes a great pot plant that adds colour to your home or office.

From $9.50

10 to 15cm
Min.temp: Frost free
Part shade / Bright indirect light

This unique ground cover will look great when mass planted in a moist shaded spot in the garden. With its green leaves and broad white veins that gives it an almost white appearance, it makes a great pot plant that adds colour to your home or office.

Part shade / Shade

A tight clumping calathea with long wavy-edged leaves which are light green in colour with dark blotches. A great landscaping filler for shady spots in the garden, or ornamental pot plant.

30 to 50cm
Part shade / Shade

A rare goeppertia species with stunning variegated green, lime green and cream coloured foliage which can be used as an under-story plant or indoor pot plant.

From $12.50

50 to 70cm
Part shade / Shade

The beautifully patterned glossy leaves and clumping growth habit make this a great under-story filler. Best planted in moist, shady gardens with good protection. Also makes a great indoor pot plant.

From $16.50

Part shade / Shade

The dark green leaves and bright coloured stripes makes this calathea a real stand-out. A popular indoor plant, which also makes a fantastic filler plant to brighten up shady spots in the garden.

30 to 50cm
Part shade / Shade

A vibrantly coloured indoor plant with hot pink variegated leaves and purple undersides. To best keep the leaves vibrant grow in bright indirect sunlight.

From $12.50

60 to 90cm
Part shade / Shade

A very popular goepperta, both as an under-story plant or indoor pot plant. Spectacular long boldly-striped leaves.

Part shade / shade

A fantastic indoor pot plant or understory plant in warm protected gardens with large leathery and distinctive mottled green leaves. It will perform well in poorly lit areas.

1 - 3mtrs
Part shade / Shade

The Crimson Queen is a hardy climbing plant with lovely variegated leaves of green, pink and white. Soft pink fragrant wax flowers hang from vine in ball-shaped clusters in spring through to early autumn. Performs best in bright indirect light.

2 to 5m
Full sun to part shade

An evergreen climber with deep green glossy foliage which produces spectacular plum coloured flowers from Summer through to early Winter. Best grown over an arbour, trellis or wall.

Full sun/Part shade

Often called variegated tapioca. The boldy variegated foliage starts reddish - pink then as it matures they turn into exotic gold, cream & green variegated leaves with pink branches coming off the trunk. Usually deciduous during winter.

Part shade / Shade

An evergreen perennial with dark coloured leaves with pale green veins. A great ground-cover in warm climates, or indoor / patio plant in cooler climates. Prefers moist shady areas.