Plant Pack

2.5 to 3m
Full sun to part shade

A value pack of hardy, tight-clumping, and cold-tolerant heliconias, suitable for frost-free areas. These three stunning varieties reach 2.5–3m tall, each boasting equally spectacular flowers!

Part shade

A collection of some of the largest alocasias and anthuriums, as well as a few smaller ground cover philodendrons - all boasting large glossy leaves for that tropical wow factor in your garden. All these varieties are best planted in the garden.

Full sun to part shade

The Housewarmer plant pack features a selection of hardy, low-maintenance houseplants that thrive indoors. Perfect for beginners, it includes resilient greenery and colour, bringing warmth, freshness, and effortless style to any home.

3 to 4m
Full sun to part shade

A value pack of easy-to-grow and cold-tolerant torch gingers, suitable for frost-free areas. These three stunning varieties produce stems reaching 3–4m tall, with mammoth flower spikes approaching 1 meter tall!