
Min.temp: Tolerates light frosts
Full sun to part shade

A low maintenance, evergreen clumping perennial grass with strappy leaves. Best massed as a ground cover or edging plant for lining pathways or garden beds. A popular choice for landscaping as it prefers full sun.

From $9.50

Min.temp: Tolerates light frosts
Full sun to shade

A large strappy leafed plant that grows naturally around fresh water creeks, rivers, lakes and moist gullies. The lomandra hystrix is drought tolerant and hardy, but will look best with occasional watering during dry periods of the year.

60 to 100cm
Part shade / Shade

An evergreen rhizomatous creeper which makes a great ground cover or filler in moist shady areas of a garden. The long strappy ribbed leaves make it an ideal addition to tropical gardens. It produces very small yellow flowers year around.

Min.temp: Tolerates light frost
Full sun

An ornamental grass with burgundy foliage and long feathery flowers held high above the foliage. Best grown in full sun to get the good red colour.

30 to 40cm
Full sun to part shade

A compact and bushy small grass, excellent for edging around rock gardens and is especially good around ponds where it gets plenty of water.

Full sun to part shade

A nice soft grass which grows in tight clumps. Great for borders, rock gardens, around ponds and water-features.

2.5 to 3m
Min.temp: 0°C
Full sun to part shade

A fast growing ornamental grass with thick lush foliage. It makes a great screen or hedge and also looks good as a filler in tropical gardens. Tiger Grass is one of the fastest growing screening plants available, capable of growing to about 3m in 2 yrs.

10 to 20cm
Min.temp: Tolerates some frost once established
Full sun to part shade

A fantastic fine leafed grass which makes excellent ground covers, especially around rocks and ponds, as well as plantings between stepping stones. Its low growing growth habit and sometimes wavy appearance makes it a great architectural plant.