Pack size
- 6 pack
- 9 pack
Typical height
- 1 to 3m
- 3 to 5m
- 5 to 10m
- 10 to 20m
- 20m and over
- Feature
- Privacy screening / hedging
- Pot plant
- Timber
- Edible
- Windbreak
Light Conditions
- Full sun
- Part shade
- Temperate
- Subtropical
- Tropical
Clumping bamboo
Clumping bamboo offers an instant privacy screen, making it a popular choice for landscaping and urban garden design in Australia. It blends natural elegance with strong, architectural structure. We recommend Bambusa textilis var. Gracilis (Slender Weaver Bamboo), Bambusa heterostachya 'Variegata' (Variegated Malay Dwarf) and Bambusa multiplex cv. Goldstripe because they are tight clumping, small (from 3-8m depending on the species), can tolerate our climate as well as simply being beautiful ornamental plants which add so much value to your garden. We are proud that all our bamboo is grown right here at Bamboo Land, so you can expect high quality, healthy plants direct from the grower. Explore our abundant range below.
ON SALE NOW Bambusa multiplex cv. Goldstripe - 400mm pot
Was $125.00 NOW $99.00
From $45.00
A green culmed, small leafed bamboo with strong near solid culms. Originates from the Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory. Traditionally used by the Aboriginal people for didgeridoo making etc.
From $29.50
A nice garden bamboo with lush foliage, slightly weeping tops and delicate appearance. Good for screening or small feature.
From $30.00
Similar to B. chungii but smaller. The white bloom covered culms and upright tight clumping growth habit make this bamboo a fantastic feature or screening plant. If you like the Chungii but dont have the space, then this is a great alternative.
From $35.00
A beautiful ornamental with white bloom covered culms. Great privacy screen or feature.
From $35.00
Straight light green culms with dark green striations which yellow with age. A beautiful feature plant.
From $45.00
A truly spectacular feature bamboo with straight green culms with white powdery bloom. Very tight clumping. If grown in good all-round sun, then foliage will go right down to ground level. Cold tolerant and grows well in southern states.
From $45.00
Straight dark green culms with silver striations. An excellent ornamental.
Lemon yellow culms with green striations. Leaves have occasional cream stripes. Culms are upright with branchy lower sections, making it a great screening bamboo. Its lower branches can be pruned to expose the beautiful culms.
From $25.00
An incredibly lush and bushy bamboo suitable for growing as hedging and privacy screens. Chinese Dwarf Bamboo should be kept trimmed to 2.5 to 4m to keep it looking its best. If it is not trimmed, then it can get leggy and grow to 6 to 8m tall.
From $25.00
An ornamental bamboo with a slightly weeping growth habit. Good for producing shade or as a feature. Can also be used for privacy screening.
A beautiful dense ornamental with cream striped leaves. One of the best hedging bamboos due to the thick and uniform bushy foliage.
From $35.00
This is the most common black bamboo, and with good reason - the glossy black culms with green striations make this bamboo a fantastic feature plant.
From $27.50
Nice looking plant which produces timber which dries to an unusual mottled pattern of brown spots spread over the whole culm. Used extensively in Indonesia for furniture making, where the timber is usually referred to as 'Tiger Bamboo'.
From $27.50
Dense clumps, erect culms, tolerates sea breeze better than most.
From $19.50
Grows into a dense clump making it a good windbreak or privacy screen. Yellow culms with green stripes. As for many of the Multiplexs', they grow best in cooler climates as they tend to be prone to sooty mould if grown in warm, humid, coastal climates.
From $35.00
One of the most popular small bamboo species. Nice upright, tight clumping bamboo with gold striped culms. Its upright growth habit and tight clumping nature, makes this bamboo a great screening plant in smaller gardens.
From $175.00
A seriously beautiful bamboo. Very tight clumping, clean smooth culms, lush slightly weeping tops. This particular Nana clone is the one often referred to as the Quail Gardens Clone (San Diego Botanic Gardens).
From $175.00
A stunning bamboo with very small leaves, tight clumping growth habit and near solid culms. Its a beautiful ornamental and a must have for serious garden enthusiasts.
From $35.00
A nice bamboo with straight strong (near solid) culms and edible shoots. It has a very tight clumping growth habit and slightly weeping tops with lush foliage. Some of the culms may have a cream striation on the lower inter-nodes.
From $22.50
A very hardy and fast growing bamboo which forms dense upright clumps. Good for windbreaks and privacy screens and produces great edible shoots.
From $45.00
A great little bamboo which can be used for screening, features, or timber. The culms are near solid, and due to their strength they make great fishing poles, Bali flag poles, etc. It has a very tight clumping growth habit with slightly weeping tops.
From $45.00
A beautiful ornamental. Straight, branch free lower half with long internodes. Very tidy appearance.
From $45.00
This is a 'Gracilis' look-a-like, but larger. Smooth green culms and tidy, upright growth habit makes it a great alternative to the popular Gracilis.
From $45.00
A beautiful straight, thin walled ornamental bamboo. The Glabra is much like the Textilis, but with more predominant white on the lower parts of the internodes giving the plant a stripy appearance.
A beautiful tidy upright bamboo, great for privacy screens or as feature plantings. The smooth clean culms, lush green foliage and general hardiness has earned this bamboo a spot as one the most popular bamboo species in Australia.
From $27.50
Under harsh conditions, this bamboo develops short swollen internodes - hence its name 'Buddha's Belly'. Not to be confused with 'Giant Buddha's Belly' (B. Vulgaris cv. Wamin).
From $27.50
Lemon yellow culms with green stripes. Reasonably open clumping with weeping culms.
A very attractive ornamental with large swollen internodes and weeping culms.
A smaller version of the popular vulgaris cv. 'Wamin' (Giant Buddhas Belly), but with light green culms with dark green striations. A great ornamental and collectors item.
From $55.00
Erect light green culms with foliage right down to the ground. Tight clumping growth habit. Great for screening or simply as stunning feature. This bamboo is said to be the bamboo of choice when cooking sticky rice inside bamboo in South East Asia.
From $35.00
A nice, dense, garden bamboo with unusual fern-like leaves. Makes a great privacy screen or small feature. It has a very tight clumping and erect growth habit, so good for areas with limited space.
From $35.00
A magnificent looking bamboo with enormous straight culms which are covered in velvet-like hair. Grown commercially for timber and edible shoots.If you have the space, then it makes a stunning feature plant. Best suited to acreage due to its giant size.
This black culmed giant produces great timber and boasts the fastest growth rate of all the big bamboos. It also produces beautiful sweet edible shoots. A must have if you've got the space.
From $38.50
Tallest bamboo in the world. It's thick walled culms makes good timber. Edible shoots. Potentially, it can grow to the specified height. However, in Australian conditions, it is unusual to see it taller than 25m.
Green culms that turn black with age. A vigorous grower with thick walled culms which produces good quality timber. Edible shoots.
From $55.00
Potentially one of the largest bamboo in the world with quality timber and edible shoots. Needs tropical conditions to reach its potential. In subtropical climates such as at Bamboo Land, it tends to grow to about 20m.
From $38.50
A beautiful bamboo with light green culms, tidy upright growth habit and large leaves. The main feature of this bamboo (apart from its beauty) is the sweet tasting shoots. It is by far one of the best bamboos for edible shoots.
From $55.00
Light green culms striped with darker green. Large leaves with occasional yellow stripes. A magnificent ornamental with good edible shoots.
From $45.00
Striated form of D. Brandisii. A beautiful bamboo with good timber and edible shoots. Green culms with yellow striations, large leaves, and slightly arching culms.
From $45.00
A large bamboo with small leaves, and a very branchy and bushy growth habit. The culms are erect with weeping tops. The small leaves gives it a 'fluffy' appearance which makes it look great when viewed from a distance.
From $35.00
A beautiful ornamental bamboo - very large glossy leaves, clean smooth culms, long slender arching tops. Very similar to the popular Ghost Bamboo, apart from lack of striations, and less white culms.
From $45.00
A spectacular feature plant. White powder covered lime-green culms with dark green striations. It has a tidy, upright growth habit, with long slender arching tops. The large leaves gives it a very tropical appearance.
From $35.00
Great timber and edible shoots. An attractive bamboo due to its unusual rusty orange culms and large leaves. This bamboo flowered gregariously in 2005. All plants sold now are from the seedlings.
From $35.00
Internodes contains Tabashir, an important ingredient in many Chinese medicines. Good quality timber.
From $49.50
Put simply...if you want black, then the Java Black is the best. The sooty black culms and large lush leaves make this bamboo a spectacular feature plant. It is quite a large bamboo, so best suited to large blocks of land and acreage. Great timber.
From $45.00
A good timber bamboo with straight green culms and black striation. (Java black in reverse). One of the best timber bamboos for furniture making.
From $27.50
Very dense with large leaves and slightly weeping culms. Good two-story screener. Its lush foliage gives an excellent tropical feel to even the smallest of gardens.
From $27.50
A nice garden ornamental with dark green culms and large cream striped leaves. Tight clumping with weeping tops.
A vigorous grower which produces first grade timber and edible shoots. Straight cream striped culms makes this bamboo not only great to look at, but also opens up a world of practical uses. Highly recommended.
From $45.00
A giant bamboo with straight cream striated culms with large leaves. The culms are smooth and glossy. The timber is usually nice and straight, and the shoots are high eating quality.
From $45.00
Dark green culms with cream stripes on lower internodes. Good quality timber.
From $27.50
This bamboo is best used as a feature plant. The weeping culms provides good shade for under-story planting. The large leaves and lush foliage makes it an ideal centerpiece in any tropical garden. Very dark green culms.
From $27.50
A straight, large leafed bamboo with cream striated culms. A beautiful plant with edible shoots and good timber. Good for windbreaks, noise/dust barriers, etc.
From $27.50
A tidy medium sized bamboo good for screening and timber. Fast growing with lush green foliage.
From $22.50
A beautiful tight clumping bamboo with upright growth habit and thick foliage all the way to the ground. A great privacy and windbreak plant.
From $45.00
A smaller variant of the Guadua angustifolia. The very beautiful dark green culms and wide white nodes makes this bamboo an excellent feature plant. Very nice and straight culms with high quality timber. The Peruana does not have any thorns.
From $75.00
As per G. angustifolia but culms have yellow striations.
From $55.00
A magnificent bamboo which produces exceptional quality timber - straight and strong. If you have the space and are after a good timber bamboo (as well as a spectacular ornamental), then this is a must have. Thorny lower branches. Open clumping.
From $45.00
Delicate looking bamboo with fine leaves. Prefers cool temperate climates.
From $55.00
Beautiful light green culms and soft fine-leafed foliage. Needs good growing conditions and well drained soil in order to grow well. The new shoots are among the best for eating, so good in fact, that they can be eaten raw.
From $75.00
A beautiful bamboo native to Australia (Iron Ranges, Cape York peninsula) and New Guinea. It is tight clumping with very large leaves. Prefers some shade or warm protected areas. Does not tolerate frost.
The epitome of tropical gardens. Erect bright yellow culms with green stripes and large yellow striped leaves. Very beautiful.
From $27.50
An unusual looking bamboo with long pendulous culms which tend to splay out over the surrounding area. Looks great when allowed to drape over river banks, rock ledges, etc. If there is a nearby tree or rock wall, the culms can have some climbing tendency.
From $35.00
A fantastic ornamental bamboo. The slightly rough green culms with slender weeping tops makes this bamboo a great centerpiece.
From $22.50
A nice smaller, green culmed, bushy bamboo with large leaves. Great as a small feature or privacy screen. Long, thin-walled internodes used for flute making.
From $27.50
An ornamental, tight clumping bamboo with long internodes.
From $27.50
One of the largest schizostachyums and a beautiful ornamental bamboo with very large leaves. The timber is thin walled and straight, widely used in the Phillipines for making matting woven from thin strips of bamboo.
From $22.50
This is a native Australian bamboo with straight upright culms and branchless lower section. Being tight clumping this bamboo creates a good screen for areas with limited space.
From $27.50
A nice, tight clumping garden bamboo with straight culms, branch free lower part and nodding tops, useful timber and edible shoots.
Tight clumping ornamental with slightly weeping culms, very fine leaves and edible shoots. The solid or near solid culms makes it a good strong timber bamboo.
Tight clumping ornamental with very fine leaves and edible shoots. Very erect. The solid or near solid culms makes it a good timber bamboo. This clone is much like Clone 1, except larger and more erect.